WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU FROM, & WHAT DO YOU DO? Hello! My name is Deepti, I am the artist and owner of Artist’s Nook. I am from Evans, GA. My passion is oil painting and oil pastels. But I love experimenting with other mediums including charcoal, acrylic paints and watercolors. Besides, I share my knowledge of art through my in person Art classes. I am living a dream!
DESCRIBE YOUR PROCESS. My process starts with figuring out things that inspire me… after narrowing down my inspiration, I roughly draw my piece on a paper working on a composition, then I decide on a color palette and finally I submerge into creativity.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Working on multiple paintings at the same time keeps me going. Besides listening to my favorite musics is my constant source of inspiration.
FUN FACT ABOUT YOU. I am a professionally trained Dietitian now pursuing my passion for Art!
FAVORITE THING ABOUT DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA. The overall cozy, comfortable small town vibe is what I love the most about our Downtown.
WHY DO YOU LOVE TO DESIGN, CREATE + MAKE? Art keeps me going! ! I am content and elated when I create… it is peaceful!
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD SHARE WITH OTHER ARTISTS + MAKERS? The more you make, the better you get! Keep going!