WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU FROM, & WHAT DO YOU DO? I’m a “betsy of all trades”: a wife, mother, homeschooling parent, pet lover, house manager and most of all I get to do what I love and that is create art. I’m a midwesterner that moved to the south as a kid.
DESCRIBE YOUR PROCESS. I love to work with yarns, fibers and fabrics. I started sewing at a young age and never stopped working with textiles. My yarn tapestry reliefs and sculptures are woven and then embellished to create microscapes of nature. Crocheting home goods is fun to pass the time to keep my hands and mind busy
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Being around nature makes me happy. I paint with yarns to create unique art pieces that bring nature into your home.
FUN FACT ABOUT YOU. My pinkies are double jointed.
FAVORITE THING ABOUT DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA. It is where I meet my husband and where he took me on my first date.
WHY DO YOU LOVE TO DESIGN, CREATE + MAKE? Art is a wonderful way to express yourself. I have an overwhelming need to create. As a child I learned to sew and even went to college to learn fashion and fiber arts. I recently became disabled. Art can be my release..
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD SHARE WITH OTHER ARTISTS + MAKERS? Make something often for yourself and Make items you love.