WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU FROM, & WHAT DO YOU DO? Hi I’m Cassie, I live in Gilbert SC and I cultivate polymer clay earrings.
DESCRIBE YOUR PROCESS. The process is not difficult, but it is time consuming. I start out by mixing my clays, to create the color I’m wanting to achieve. Once I have my colors, my fave part is creating the design. The design process varies depending on the method I use. Polymer clay is so versatile, the options are endless, truly. I then cut out my slab using 3d cutters. I then bake my pieces, sand then, and assemble them. They are then finally ready for their new homes.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Nature inspires me, but also I’m inspired to create something fresh and organic.
FUN FACT ABOUT YOU. ’m obsessed with iced coffees, and my labradoodle, Sadie.
FAVORITE THING ABOUT DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA. I love the history that Augusta holds.
WHY DO YOU LOVE TO DESIGN, CREATE + MAKE? It truly brings me joy, as cliche as that sounds. It’s my “calm after the storm” as I teach middle schoolers Monday through Friday.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD SHARE WITH OTHER ARTISTS + MAKERS? Make time for other things too. Give yourself time and space to reset.