WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU FROM, & WHAT DO YOU DO? Hi! My name is Katie White and I’m originally from Hayden, Alabama which is just north of Birmingham but now live near Atlanta with my husband and son. I work full-time in architectural design.
DESCRIBE YOUR PROCESS. My process is a slow, leisurely one where I’m able to do a few things at once like playing with my 3 year old, hanging out with the hubs, and working on home projects. These things give me inspiration when I feel stuck.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? My family, my faith, architectural & interior design, and the beauty of nature.
FUN FACT ABOUT YOU. I’m better at dad jokes than my husband.
FAVORITE THING ABOUT DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there, so excited to see everything again. Just happy to be there.
WHY DO YOU LOVE TO DESIGN, CREATE + MAKE? It’s therapeutic. It’s fun. It’s what I was created to do. It’s also a great conversation starter. People come in and ask about these pieces and many times it turns to wonderful stories about their childhood or home life. Just great way to open up and be social.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD SHARE WITH OTHER ARTISTS + MAKERS? If you’re new to creating, don’t let the process intimidate you. We all start somewhere and it’s a fun process if you let it.
I’m just very excited to get to know the artists and all the guests over conversations about art.