WHO ARE YOU, WHERE ARE YOU FROM, & WHAT DO YOU DO? Erin Bruce, Augusta, GA. Office Administrator and Greenhouse worker
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Nature which shows in most of my works.
FUN FACT ABOUT YOU. Where the business name came from: I’m Erin, a.k.a Moonbeam. I received that nickname many years ago because of my old soul, hippie aura. I make things with the hope of leaving some whimsy in each piece. muchness: The innocence and imagination that appears in the hearts of young children.
FAVORITE THING ABOUT DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA. Small businesses and how they support each other.
WHY DO YOU LOVE TO DESIGN, CREATE + MAKE? It’s a beautiful outlet of expression.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD SHARE WITH OTHER ARTISTS + MAKERS? Just do it, there is only one you. You need to put it into the world & others deserve to enjoy it!